Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Halfway there and yet in between

Well hello there!

You know they say..."Many roads are paved with good intentions". Yep. This blog is proof of that.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Yea! Many of you know I don't like big to do's about my birthday. However as I get older, I am realizing the importance of that day more and more. Just wanted to share some thoughts.

Frist---Where would I be without my hope for the future and the security of my salvation. I can remember it like it was yesterda---the day I knew Jesus came to live in my heart. Mine wasn't the case of turning from a life of grievous, heinous sins, but rather trusting God with a child like faith. After all, how bad a sinner can one really be at age six. And yes before you comment, I do know that we are all born sinners. I was six when I asked Jesus in my heart. I am thankful for my physical birthday and even more thankful for my spiritual one!

Second---Where would I be without my parents? Well, obviously..not here. 9 lbs 11 oz is no joke for your first kid. The C-section option was not an option. Poor mom! It is a wonder that my brother ever came along after that. I laugh every time I think of my dad just calmly reading a book in the waiting room of the hospital in Buffalo, Texas. Most likely it was a Louis L'Amour. My mother probably didn't think it was funny! And really...who could have blamed her! Both my parents have been great encouragers and supporters. I am grateful for them and for the gift of life they gave me. And for the first name that was created JUST FOR ME!

I wanted to show you a picture of me at age 6 weeks---told you I was fat! It is not a great picture, but I think you can still detect the multiple chins!

The second one is one of my favorites! Check out the shag carpet my arms are resting on.
Aren't old photos fun!

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