Monday, September 10, 2007

Fall is a comin'

My favorite time of year is fall.
* just right temperature with just the perfect nip in the air.
* beautiful leaves that change each year
* pulling those old comfortable sweaters from the closet
* yummy soups and stews

God is such a faithful God to provide us with these wonderful seasons of change. So many times the earthly changes mirror the changes in our lives. Am I faithful to him even when I feel he is far away? Am I faithful to him through every season of change in my life?

Thank you Lord for the beautiful fall colors. Thank you for working in our lives from the inside so that our outside is a reflection of you.

1 comment:

ChicoryChick said...

Amen, God is faithful. I saw your link to Thankful Thursday and had to visit since my name is Kay too!