Friday, October 5, 2007

Healing Rain

Ahhhh... beautiful.

I woke up Wednesday morning to the kind of rain that lightens your spirit. It was the steady rain you love to hear on the rooftop, the kind of rain that comes with joy in the morning.

The previous day one of my beloved doxies-----Samantha---went in for surgery AGAIN. This was her second back surgery in two months. I had Stewart take her to see the vet because not only could I not due to work obligations...but I JUST COULD NOT GO WITH HIM. There was the possibility of her not being able to walk.
I woke up Wednesday morning needing a refreshing word from God. A word that would lift my spirit and remind of his wonderful grace and love. He provided the rain just for me. Just so I could be reminded of him.

The day before I had found a scripture that I wrote down on a note card and kept close my heart (in my purse) as a reminder of God's sovereignty.

"In distress you called and I rescued you. I answered you out of a thundercloud: Psalm 81:7.

Praise you father. Thank you for answered prayers

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